PAUL BRANNIGANVideo and Digital Media

Video and Digital Media


Paul is described as ’The Director’, having made as many movies for corporate companies as Spielberg has for Hollywood. He is always professional, very fussy about quality and yet amazingly good fun to work with. Paul has produced 100’s of videos over the past 20 years that have helped organisations of all sizes to achieve their goals.

He was credited for successfully helping a major high street brand to launch its own multi-million pound branded product range. He has also helped make UK pensions palatable, helped national lottery winners decide whether to go public or not and made political parties look cool. Most recently, Paul helped Unilever transform boring old employee engagement into a global super hero comic book bonanza that ran live across the world.

Main drivers are being the best you can be, writing great scripts and then making the movie, the psychology of video and proving that professionally executed video can transform any business. Paul is a massive Manchester United fan and loves nothing more than a trip to Old Trafford. He has also spent many years working with theatre companies and has written and produced numerous plays and short films.

His best kept secret - he’s an avid art collector and loves to visit galleries. Ultimate goal - to finish his epic sci-fi novel and then direct the movie.