DESIRÉE BROWNContent Strategist

Content Strategist


Desirée is described as a brilliant and tenacious creative writer, with an amazing sense of business acumen. She has worked with us since 2003 and has constantly kept us on our toes.

Her ground breaking creativity has featured in publications all over the world, resulting in over 50 major awards across several communication disciplines at Cannes, British Design & Art Direction, The One Show, The London International Advertising Festival, Art Directors Club, The New York Advertising Festival, the South African Loeries and others. Desirée has also judged numerous communication awards including the Loeries, has been an invited speaker at the IABC Conference, Pro-Max, Adobe Live-in-Concert and the Paris Writer’s Workshop and elected to the board of the Brand Design Council of South Africa.

Main drivers are clients that appreciate the genuine value of good creativity, projects that have real meaning and purpose and pushing clients beyond their expectations. Desirée loves everything African and has developed a particular interest in wildlife conservation. She has been Gorilla Trekking In Rwanda and has walked with elephants throughout Africa, two endangered species that she feels strongly about protecting.

Desirée also has a passion for travel and has been to all four corners of the planet. A travel writer at heart, her best kept secret is that she was a great explorer in a past life.

Ultimate goal - to write a book about her great adventures and sell it to Hollywood